Finnish Lapland
-9 to 19°C
1335 hours
sunshine per day
389 mm
102 days
122 days
141 days

Climate of Finnish Lapland

Finnish Lapland has a polar climate, which means it is a cold, dry and windy environment with long, cold winters and short, cool summers. This is mainly due to the region's high altitude in northern Finland and its proximity to the North Pole. Because the sun rises only very briefly during the winter months and is very high in the sky during the summer months, temperatures in Finnish Lapland are extremely variable and can be very cold in both winter and summer.

Climate averages for the whole year

  • Day: the average daily temperature during the day is between -9°C and 19°C
  • Night:the average nighttime temperature is between -15°C and 11°C
  • Rain: it rains 122 days and there is a total of approximately 389 mm rainfall
  • Snow: it snows an average of 141 days per year
  • Sun hours: throughout the year there are 1335 sun hours
Maximum temperature: between -9°C and 19°C
Warmest month: 19°C in July
Coldest month: -9°C in January
Night temperature: between -15°C and 11°C
Dry days: 102 days
Days with rain: 122 days
Days with snow: 141 days
Total rain sum: 389 mm
Hours of sunshine: 1335 hours

Finnish Lapland is best known for winter activities such as skiing, dog sledding with huskies and snowmobile tours. The area has more than enough ski resorts and many winter sports options.


During the winter months, temperatures in Finnish Lapland can drop well below freezing, with an average low of -15°C. Snow is common during this period, with an average of 12-25 centimeters of snow per month. Despite the cold temperatures, the air is usually dry, which can make the weather feel even colder.


As spring weather begins to warm up, the snow begins to melt and the days get longer. The average temperature in April is around 0°C, with occasional snow showers. However, the snow also begins to melt and the days have more and more sunlight. This makes spring an ideal time to get outside and enjoy nature.


Summer in Finnish Lapland is short but pleasant. Temperatures can eventually reach about 20°C. The region has long days during this period, with the sun setting late and rising early. Despite the relatively warm temperatures, the air is still quite cool and refreshing.

The climate in Finnish Lapland during the summer months is suitable for outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing and boating. Many visitors also come to the area to see the midnight sun, a phenomenon in which the sun remains visible at midnight because of the region's high latitude.


As autumn arrives, the weather begins to cool, and the leaves on the trees begin to change color. The average temperature in October is around 5°C, with occasional showers.

Do you want to go to Finnish Lapland?

These are the travel companies where you can book a trip to Finnish Lapland:

Temperature graph

This graph shows the average maximum temperature (red) and minimum temperature (blue) for Finnish Lapland.

Precipitation graph

This graph shows the average amount of rainfall per month for Finnish Lapland.

Climate table of Finnish Lapland

In this climate table you can see at a glance what the average weather per month is for Finnish Lapland. The data has been collected over a 30-year period, from which an average per month has been derived. From year to year the differences may be larger or smaller, but with this climate table you have a good idea of what the weather for Finnish Lapland might be like in a given month.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Day temp. (°C) -9 -8 -4 0 9 14 19 16 11 2 -3 -6
Night temp. (°C) -15 -14 -11 -5 2 7 11 8 5 -2 -6 -11
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Precipitation (mm) 24 23 27 28 34 48 48 41 35 26 27 28
Days with rain 2 2 5 9 15 18 20 17 15 10 6 3
Days with snow 22 20 20 19 8 2 - - 1 9 17 23
Dry days 7 6 6 2 8 10 11 14 14 12 7 5
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sun hours per day 1 2 3 3 7 0 7 9 6 3 1 1
Wind force (Bft) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
UV-index 1 1 1 1 4 4 5 3 2 1 1 1

Best time to visit Finnish Lapland

For visiting Finnish Lapland, the best time to visit is in July. In this period you have a pleasant temperature and almost no precipitation. The highest average temperature in the Finnish Lapland region is 19°C in July and the lowest is -9°C in January.

Climate of Finnish Lapland by month

What is the average climate in a given month for Finnish Lapland? Click on a month to see all monthly averages for sunshine, maximum and minimum temperatures, percent chance of rain per day, snowfall and number of rainy days.

Finnish Lapland weather experiences

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